
Infants: 3 months to 24 months

Our infant program is for children from 3 months to 24 months. We believe that learning begins at birth. Our environment is designed to provide a safe, happy place for your infant where they can grow and develop at their own pace. Babies eat, sleep and play according to their individual needs, helping them to feel safe and develop to their full potential. We understand that child development begins early and our staff is focused on facilitating learning at the earliest stage, which is what separates us from other childcare centers.

Our staff recognizes that every infant is unique with their own emotions, abilities and interests. We have created a program that focuses on the individual needs of each child. Our staff take the time to develop and understand your child’s personality and developmental needs. We understand that infants are continuously learning and their inquisitive nature creates an opportunity for real education. Our staff is trained to work with your infant through the early stages of early development. They will work with every family to create an environment which provides loving care and educational opportunities for each child who is a part of this program.

Our infant program provides the following for your child:

  • Visual experiences through colorful toys and images
  • Language development through music, books and interactive play
  • Communication development through Baby Sign Language prior to infants using spoken words
  • Gross and fine motor skill development through educational toys and experiences
  • Cognitive skills as little ones develop memory retention and learn to recognize sounds
  • Emotional skills as infants feel safe in their environment and develop attachments
  • Social skills as the child learns to recognize familiar faces and play with others and develop early friendships

Our infant program has a maximum of 4 infants per 1 teacher. Depending on the needs of your child and activities going on the ratio is as low as 2 infants to 1 teacher.